An Uncomfortable Truth
Another Secret; Bulpyeonhan Jinsil; Неудобная правда; アナザー・シークレット; アナザー・シークレット:不都合な真実; 불편한 진실
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Chapter 75
About An Uncomfortable Truth Yoseob, normally very quiet and composed, is in the police station convicted of stabbing 8 civilians with a knife. Everyone's wondering whether he actually committed the crime. Does he, a mere high-schooler, really have any reason to have done such a horrifying act? Does his obsessive love for his older brother, Jaeha, have something to do with it? Alternative Name: Another Secret Bulpyeonhan Jinsil Неудобная правда アナザー・シークレット アナザー・シークレット:不都合な真実 불편한 진실 Browse Webtoon online for free. Read from large Manhwa 18 and colored Korean comics full for free from Manhwa68. With a huge archive of hundreds of romance manhwa all with solid English translations, you'll find enough “reading” material to cover a library. With high-quality art, your library will be covered with your Manhwa in no time.