Godzilla: Here There Be Dragons cover

Godzilla: Here There Be Dragons

Last updated: 10 months ago
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Issue #5


On going




In the 1500s, before humanity had successfully traveled the entire globe, it was believed that monsters ruled the oceans just beyond the horizon. &ldquo;Here there be dragons&hellip;&rdquo; was written on maps to denote the areas people dared not go. That is, until Sir Francis Drake circumnavigated the seas, visiting foreign lands and collecting treasure. That&rsquo;s what history tells us, at least, but history does not have the full tale. Monsters did lurk yonder, living on an island that still doesn&rsquo;t appear on any map, and among them was the king of them all&hellip; Godzilla! From Frank Tieri and Inaki Miranda, the incredible team behind Old Lady Harley, comes a Godzilla adventure like no other.</p>

