Grendel: War Child cover

Grendel: War Child

Last updated: 10 months ago
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Issue #10


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Ten-year-old Jupiter Niklos Assante, heir to the throne of the Grendel-Khan, is stolen from the retreat in which his rapacious stepmother has hidden him away from the rightful reins of power. The child is worth a hefty ransom, but there seems to be more than money on the mind of his kidnapper -- who is none other than Grendel! Laurel Kennedy, who controls Earth as Regent, arrives at the compound where her stepson Jupiter Niklos Assante recently resided. An unknown figure in a Grendel mask broke into the compound with knowledge of all of their security codes, killed all of the guards, and abducted young Jupiter Assante. Laurel and her assistant Heath assemble a squadron of six elite Red Devils to go after the kidnapper. When they find him in the desert he tears through their ranks with arm-mounted guns and an energy sword. The pair continue to ride off. Laurel and her men track them as they head east. At one stop the Grendel is forced to combat with a local gang, killing the members. Grendel and Jupiter continue towards New York city.</p>

