Harley Takes the House
Beware of the Brothers! / Beware of the Oppas! / Beware of Those Brothers! / Beware of Those Oppas! / Mes frères infernaux / お兄ちゃんたちに気をつけて! / 小心哥哥们 / 提防坏心眼哥哥! / 그 오빠들을 조심해!
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Chapter 105
Read Harley Takes the House manhwa - Harley Takes the House manga update free at Bibimanga.Com Harley thought that marriage would be her ticket out of the Ernst household and away from the family’s three sons, aka her perpetual tormenters. But on the eve of her wedding, she’s transported back in time 20 years to a youth she’d hoped to forget. As long as she’s getting a second chance at childhood, Harley’s determined to stand up to her bullies. But what began as retaliation quickly turns into reconciliation as both Harley and the Ernst brothers come to understand each other’s pain.