John Carpenter Presents Storm Kids: The Grimms Town Terror Tales: Rise of the Candy Creeper cover

John Carpenter Presents Storm Kids: The Grimms Town Terror Tales: Rise of the Candy Creeper

Grimms Town Terror Tales: Rise of the Candy Creeper

Last updated: 7 months ago
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The Grimms Town Terror Tales follows the adventures of brother and sister duo Hansel &amp; Gretel as they face off against a nefarious witch commanding a legion of ghouls, ghosts, and goblins. Along the way, the kids must unravel a series of mysteries in hopes of tracking down their parents, who have mysteriously vanished. Armed with an awesome array of techno-magical weapons designed for paranormal butt-kicking (technological devices fueled by magical energy), this dynamic duo must pick up where their parents left off, protecting Grimms Town from all the dreadful things that go bump in the night!</p>
