John Carpenter's Tales Of Science Fiction: Civilians cover

John Carpenter's Tales Of Science Fiction: Civilians

Tales Of Science Fiction: Civilians

Last updated: 8 months ago
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Issue #3


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It&rsquo;s a bright sunny day near the Santa Monica Pier. You&rsquo;re reading an excellent horror novel (the latest Sutter Cane!) and enjoying some downtime. But suddenly&hellip; you&rsquo;re compelled to stand up. So is everyone else around you. And now you&rsquo;re walking along with them into the ocean. Stop! you want to scream. Body, please ― just stop! But your body refuses to listen. Not even when the waves crash over your head, and the water fills your lungs&hellip; All over Los Angeles, people are doing inexplicable things. Random strangers come together to commit bizarre acts of violence and self-destruction, from Santa Monica to the 101 to a posh Beverly Hills mall. The city is in chaos, and no one seems to have any answers. Except&hellip; Well, except for a crackpot professor on You Tube, a grieving mother hellbent on revenge, a depressed doctor adrift on the freeways, a homeless vet with a pistol, and a naked man with amnesia. Somehow, these random strangers are the only thing standing between us and the complete breakdown of society. And in this war, every casualty is a civilian&hellip;</p>
