My Level's the Best cover

My Level's the Best


Last updated: 7 months ago
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Chapter 46






Lee Seowoo became a beta tester for the first virtual reality game, but due to the incomplete system, participants weren't able to disconnect from it. Lee Seowoo survives alone amid the deaths of all the other participants. He then wakes up from his coma at the same time when the game's official service starts. After recovering his health, he logs back into the game with his existing character and is determined to use everything he has to take advantage of the game and become rich. [b]Korean[/b]: [spoiler] 최초로 등장한 가상현실 게임의 베타 테스터가 된 이서우! 하지만 불완전한 시스템으로 인해 참가자들의 접속은 끊어지지 않고, 다른 참가자들이 사망한 가운데 이서우 홀로 살아남는다. 게임의 정식 서비스가 시작됨과 동시에 혼수상태에서 벗어난 이서우는, 시간이 흘러 회복이 되자마자 다시 게임에 접속하는데...... ‘기대하는 게 좋을 거야. 난 내가 가진 모든 것을 써서, 이 게임을 먹고 최고의 부자가 될 테니까!' [/spoiler] [hr][b]Links[/b]: [*]Original Web Novel: [spoiler] [ul][/ul]Original Web Novel (Naver) [url=]Web[/url]/[url=]Book[/url] [ul][/ul]Original Web Novel (RidiBooks) [url=]Web[/url]/[url=]Book[/url] [ul][/ul]Original Web Novel (BookCube) [url=]Web[/url]/[url=]Book[/url] [ul][/ul][url=]Original Web Novel (kakao)[/url] [ul][/ul][url=]Original Web Novel (Mr.Blue)[/url] [ul][/ul][url=]Original Web Novel (Aladin)[/url] [ul][/ul][url=]Original Web Novel (Yes24)[/url] [/spoiler] [*][url=]Original Webtoon (Comico)[/url]
