Mythic Item Obtained
신화급 귀속 아이템을 손에 넣었다 | Я получил предмет мифического класса | من یک قطعه درجه اسطوره ای بدست آوردم | Sinhwageub Gwisog Aitem-eul son-e Neoh-eossda | Eu Obtive um Item Mítico | À moi, l'item légendaire | Я Здобув Міфичний Предмет | พลิกชะตาคว้าไอเทมระดับเทพ | 入手神话级专属装备 | 我获得了神级装备 | 神話級の帰属アイテムを手に入れた | 神話級道具入手了! | I Obtained a Mythic Item || Mythic Item Obtained, l'item légendaire | Я Здобув Міфичний Предмет | พลิกชะตาคว้าไอเทมระดับเทพ | 入手神话级专属装备 | 我获得了神级装备 | 神話級の帰属アイテムを手に入れた | 神話級道具入手了! | I Obtained a Mythic Item | Sinhwageup Gwisok Item-eul Sone Neoeotda || Mythic Item Obtained, Mythic Item Obtained, SinhwageubGwisogAitemeulsoneNeoheossdaEuObtiveumItemMticomoilitemlgendaireIObtainedaMythicItemSinhwageupGwisokItemeulSoneNeoeotda
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In a world where technology and magic are almost indistinguishable from one another, monsters and creatures of myth and legend reign terror upon mankind. In humanity’s darkest moment, individuals with special god-like powers emerge to save the day. They are — the Awakened. Meet Jaehyeon, a feeble Awakened human Raider, who struggles to make ends meet until one day a series of confounding events allow him to claim a powerful item that will change the course of history forever…