Project Patron cover

Project Patron

Last updated: 10 months ago
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Issue #5


On going




Thirty years ago, the world watched in horror as THE PATRON, a hero sent as humanitarian aid from a different dimension, went punch for punch with WOE, a primordial beast and a perfect match for our mighty protector. In the end, hero and villain alike fell&hellip;but the Patron returned &ndash; and continues to defend us to this day! At least, that&rsquo;s what we&rsquo;ve all been told. The truth is, the Patron died that day along with Woe. The UN replaced the Patron with a Reploid, designed to mimic the real Patron and continue on his mission of protection. Today, the Patron Reploid is secretly piloted by an elite team &ndash; a team prepared for anything&hellip; except for the death of one of their own.</p>

