Spider-Man: The Spider's Shadow cover

Spider-Man: The Spider's Shadow

Last updated: 10 months ago
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Issue #5


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WHAT IF PETER PARKER BECAME VENOM? Peter Parker once put on an alien suit that nearly destroyed his life &ndash; but what if he&rsquo;d never taken it off? Ignoring every warning, Spidey embraces the dark symbiote! Haunted by terrible nightmares and exhausted by an endless barrage of bad guys, Peter can&rsquo;t seem to catch a break these days. So when the Hobgoblin attacks, he finds a hero at the end of his rope&hellip;and vulnerable to new dark impulses. Spider-Man is about to change his rules &ndash; but is it truly Peter who is in charge? Creative powerhouses Chip Zdarsky, Pasqual Ferry and Matt Hollingsworth bring you a terrifying tale of a Peter Parker possessed and on the edge!</p>

