Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories – Qui-Gon cover

Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories – Qui-Gon

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Qui-Gon Jinn... one of the most revered Jedi of all time. From his youth as a gifted Padawan under Count Dooku, to his years as a skilled Jedi Master, Qui-Gon Jinn is one of the most respected Force wielders in the history of the Jedi Order. Our story spans his life as a series of recurring events slowly ties together over the years to help Qui-Gon complete the puzzle of one of the Force&rsquo;s many mysterious cults...The Brotherhood of the Ninth Door. The Brotherhood&rsquo;s secret Force abilities could make them a great ally to the Jedi, or a powerful enemy. Master Qui-Gon and his eager young Padawan learner Obi-Wan Kenobi, must uncover their secrets before they fall into the wrong hands! Join Star Wars author extraordinaire George Mann, co-architect of the Star Wars High Republic initiative, and internationally renowned artist Andrea Mutti for this quintessential tale of one of the galaxy&rsquo;s most powerful Jedi Masters in Star Wars Hyperspace Stories: Qui-Gon! Featuring covers by award-winning artist Michael Cho!</p>

