The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player cover

The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

A Centésima Regressão do Jogador de Nível Máximo | 100-та регресія гравця максимального рівня | 만렙 플레이어의 100번째 회귀 | The Max-Level Player's 100th Regression | Mallep Player-ui 100-beonjjae Hoegwi | La regresión 100 del jugador de nivel máximo || The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player, The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player, ACentsimaRegressodoJogadordeNvelMximoTheMaxLevelPlayersthRegressionMallepPlayeruibeonjjaeHoegwiLaregresindeljugadordenivelmximo, The Max-Level Player's 100th Regression, 만렙 플레이어의 100번째 회귀 | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player, ACentsimaRegressodoJogadordeNvelMximoTheMaxLevelPlayersthRegressionMallepPlayeruibeonjjaeHoegwiLaregresindeljugadordenivelmximoManLevelPlayeruibeonjjaeHoegwi

Last updated: 2 weeks ago
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Chapter 43


On going




Earth ends up in a worldwide death game where everyone from the ages of 15 to 29 must participate. In this 20-round death game, Ryu Min stands alone at the entrance of the last round. However, the game taunts him, killing him for having not met the entry requirement of a minimum 5-man party. Now, on his 100th and final attempt, he uses the information he learned from his previous 99 attempts to help raise the necessary companions to reach the end. Can Ryu Min finally beat the game, or will he perish in his attempt?
