The Academy's Genius Swordsman
아카데미의 천재칼잡이 | El increíble maestro de la espada | El Maestro de la Espada Genio de la Academia | El Maestro Genio de la Espada de la Academia | Academy's Genius Swordmaster | Academy's Genius Swordsman | L'épéiste prodige de l'Académie | Academy Cheonjaekaljabi | Academy Genius Swordsman | Academy’s Genius Swordmaster | アカデミーの天才剣士 | 皇家学院的天才剑豪 || The Academy's Genius Swordsman, 아카데미의 천재칼잡이 | El increíble maestro de la espada | El Maestro de la Espada Genio de la Academia | El Maestro Genio de la Espada de la Academia | Academy's Genius Swordmaster | Academy's Genius Swordsman | L'épéiste prodige de l'Académie | Academy Cheonjaekaljabi | Academy Cheonjaekaljabi | Der geniale Schwertkämpfer der Akademie | 皇家学院的天才剑豪 | 아카데미의 천재칼잡이 | Academy Genius Swordsman | Academy’s Genius Swordmaster | アカデミーの天才剣士 | 皇家学院的天才剑豪 || The Academy's Genius Swordsman, The Academy's Genius Swordsman, ElincreblemaestrodelaespadaElMaestrodelaEspadaGeniodelaAcademiaElMaestroGeniodelaEspadadelaAcademiaAcademysGeniusSwordmasterAcademysGeniusSwordsmanLpisteprodigedelAcadmieAcademyCheonjaekaljabiAcademyCheonjaekaljabiDergenialeSchwertkmpferderAkademieAcademyGeniusSwordsmanAcademysGeniusSwordmaster
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Following a momentous battle against giants for the fate of the world, Ronan emerges victorious as the last man standing of the Imperial Army. As he laments this hollow victory with his dying commander, Grand Marshal Adeshan, they quickly learn that the war is far from over and an overwhelming force of giants descends from the heavens. Fearing the worst, yet seeing hope in the courageous Ronan, Adeshan uses her last time slip to send him back to the past, so that he can enroll in the prestigious Phileon Academy and become the strongest swordsman the empire has ever seen!