The Maids of the Mansion cover

The Maids of the Mansion

IKEDA Riyoko

Last updated: 8 months ago
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Chapter 2


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Summary The Maiden of the Rose Mansion Ikeda's manga debut. In front of a mansion where roses blossom, Tomoko and her brother Kenichiro meet a mysterious girl. She looks interested in them but vanish each time they see her. Alternative Name: The Maiden of the Rose Mansion バラ屋敷の少女 Find your favorite premium manhwa 18 and webtoons translated to english for free. Latest update fastest on Manhwa 68,  Now follow Manhwa18 if You want to Read manga  for the latest chapters. With a huge archive of hundreds of mature manhwa all with solid English translations, you'll find enough “reading” material to cover a library. With high-quality art, your library will be covered with your Manhwa in no time.
