The Reborn Young Lord Is an Assassin
회귀한 공작가의 막내도련님은 암살자 | Вернувшийся младший сын герцога | La venganza del asesino de la espada demoniaca | Hoegwihan Gongjakgaui Mangnaedoryeonnimeun Amsalja | El asesino que retornó como el hijo del Duque | El pibe que retorna como el hijo menor | Регрессировавший сын герцога | ลูกชายคนเล็กของดยุกคือมือสังหาร | 歸來的少爺是暗殺者 | The Regressed Son of a Duke is an Assassin | The Regressed Youngest Son of the Duke Is an Assassin | El asesino que retornó como el hijo del Duque | El pibe que retorna como el hijo menor | Вернувшийся младший сын герцога | Регрессировавший сын герцога | ลูกชายคนเล็กของดยุกคือมือสังหาร | 回帰した公爵家の末息子は暗殺者 | 歸來的少爺是暗殺者 | 회귀한 공작가의 막내도련님은 암살자 || The Reborn Young Lord Is an Assassin, 회귀한 공작가의 막내도련님은 암살자 | Вернувшийся младший сын герцога | La venganza del asesino de la espada demoniaca | Hoegwihan Gongjakgaui Mangnaedoryeonnimeun Amsalja | El asesino que retornó como el hijo del Duque | El pibe que retorna como el hijo menor | Регрессировавший сын герцога | ลูกชายคนเล็กของดยุกคือมือสังหาร | 歸來的少爺是暗殺者 | The Regressed Youngest Son of the Duke Is an Assassin | The Regressed Son of a Duke Is an Assassin | 回帰した公爵家の末息子は暗殺者 | 公爵家的重生暗杀者 | El asesino que retornó como el hijo del Duque | El joven señor renacido es un asesino | El pibe que retorna como el hijo menor | Hoegwihan Gongjakgaui Mangnaedoryeonnimeun Amsalja | Вернувшийся младший сын герцога | Регрессировавший сын герцога | ลูกชายคนเล็กของดยุกคือมือสังหาร | 公爵家的重生暗杀者 | 回帰した公爵家の末息子は暗殺者 | 歸來的少爺是暗殺者 | 회귀한 공작가의 막내도련님은 암살자 || The Reborn Young Lord Is an Assassin, The Reborn Young Lord Is an Assassin, LavenganzadelasesinodelaespadademoniacaHoegwihanGongjakgauiMangnaedoryeonnimeunAmsaljaElasesinoqueretorncomoelhijodelDuqueElpibequeretornacomoelhijomenorTheRegressedYoungestSonoftheDukeIsanAssassinTheRegressedSonofaDukeIsanAssassinElasesinoqueretorncomoelhijodelDuqueEljovenseorrenacidoesunasesinoElpibequeretornacomoelhijomenorHoegwihanGongjakgauiMangnaedoryeonnimeunAmsalja
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Cyan Vert, illegitimate son of the Duke and the empire's greatest assassin, is betrayed by the righteous brother whose shadow he's always lived in. But just before the fatal blow strikes his throat, Cyan awakes to find he's just a boy again. The young lord has been reborn, and this time, he's not going to live in anyone's shadow! --- Cyan Vert, the best assassin of the continent, meets a pitiful death after having been betrayed by his own brother, whom he had trusted all his life. "If I were given another chance at life, I would live it differently. I would only trust myself, and achieve all the things I want on my own without serving anyone else but myself." That is how he was given a second chance at life. Cyan Vert, a shadow who lived for others, is no more. He will now pave a path on his own, for only him!