Uncle Scrooge and Donald Duck in Les Misérables and War and Peace cover

Uncle Scrooge and Donald Duck in Les Misérables and War and Peace

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It&rsquo;s Victor Hugo&hellip; duckified! When French gendarme Javert thinks that poor Jean McJean (Scrooge McDuck) stole two candlesticks, he swears to run him down&mdash;even years later, when McJean has become town mayor and guardian of Daisette (Daisy Duck). Are the candlesticks the key to a fabulous treasure lost in Paris? And do the fr&egrave;res Beagle and Peg Leg Th&eacute;nardier want it? (Silly question!) Then, in our version of Leo Tolstoy&rsquo;s War and Peace, Count Donald Dukzukov of ancient Russia loves Ducktasha Roastov (Daisy)&mdash;but Prince Scrooge McDukzukov wants to force him into an arranged marriage&hellip; or punish him in the McDukzukov Metalworks, where cannon balls are so pricey that you have to return them after the battle!</p>

