Victory (2023) cover

Victory (2023)

Last updated: 8 months ago
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Issue #5


On going




From Vampirella&rsquo;s fiftieth anniversary to her very own series! She started as Vampirella&rsquo;s lover and ended up a very powerful pawn of Vampi&rsquo;s mother, Lilith. Along the way, Victory&rsquo;s made new friends, seen countless horrors, been saddled with a demon&rsquo;s ring that she can&rsquo;t get rid of, encountered the ghost of an old friend, and opened too many dimensional gateways to count. Despite that, there&rsquo;s so much that we don&rsquo;t know about Victory, like what her childhood was like. Or what she&rsquo;s been doing with her demon ring and the crazy powers it has granted. Or which old&mdash;well, foe wouldn&rsquo;t exactly be the right word&mdash;is about to show up to cheer her on. From writer David F. Walker (Compass, Young Justice, Naomi) and artist Brett Weldele (The Beauty, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?).</p>

