Western Valley cover

Western Valley

Last updated: 9 months ago
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Issue #2


On going




United States of America, second part of the 19th century. While Lee Cutter, a cowboy converted into a bodyguard, roams an old, still poorly civilized West in the company of Elisa Fergusson, a young girl from a good family, a mysterious band of killers sows terror in Silvertown. The bandits enjoy terrorizing the farmers and cowherds, extorting a large ransom from them, under penalty of turning this town into a cemetery... But it is only a diversion. As soon as the bandits receive the money, they burn it! And for good reason ! It is not after a few tickets that these jackals are running, but after a much more important goal. But which one? Only one person seems capable of stopping them, before they plunge the country into chaos. This woman with a mysterious past has a particular profile: hitwoman. And a name: Chicanas.</p>

